  • 24/09/2018

    World Reflexology Week 2018

    This week is World Reflexology Week and to celebrate this, I’m giving away a free 60-min treatment. For a chance to win, subscribe at the bottom of this page and Like us...

    by Suzan
  • 05/10/2018

    Reflexology for pain relief

    Help manage pain without all the pills, try reflexology for a natural and effective way to combat pain. Reflexology as effective as pain killers

    by suzan
  • 24/09/2018

    World Reflexology Week 2018

    This week is World Reflexology Week and to celebrate this, I’m giving away a free 60-min treatment. For a chance to win, subscribe at the bottom of this page and Like us...

    by Suzan
  • 05/10/2018

    Reflexology for pain relief

    Help manage pain without all the pills, try reflexology for a natural and effective way to combat pain. Reflexology as effective as pain killers

    by suzan